M1 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

M1 1 is a postcode sector in Manchester, UK. Below is a complete list of M1 1 Postcodes (Active). M1 1 postcode sector comprises of 85 active postcodes. M1 1 sector has a population of 713, and it has 400 properties in the region.

Browse Information On M1 1 postcode sector

M1 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 713
Addresses / Property Count 400
Active Postcodes 85
Nearby Postcode Districts 47
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of M1 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 85 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
M1 1AD 53.48378400 -2.24486600 N/A N/A 383848 398591
M1 1AE 53.48347100 -2.23118400 18 30 384756 398553
M1 1AF 53.48054700 -2.23715000 N/A N/A 384359 398229
M1 1AG 53.48328200 -2.23145400 N/A N/A 384738 398532
M1 1AJ 53.48299300 -2.23226700 N/A N/A 384684 398500
M1 1AL 53.48318300 -2.23047200 N/A N/A 384803 398521
M1 1AN 53.48192700 -2.23515400 N/A N/A 384492 398382
M1 1AQ 53.48318300 -2.23047200 N/A N/A 384803 398521
M1 1AR 53.48355900 -2.23136300 N/A N/A 384744 398563
M1 1AS 53.48306900 -2.23390700 N/A N/A 384575 398509
M1 1AU 53.48375300 -2.23324800 N/A N/A 384619 398585
M1 1AW 53.48366300 -2.23309700 N/A N/A 384629 398575
M1 1BA 53.48241200 -2.23518700 21 41 384490 398436
M1 1BB 53.48316300 -2.23253900 N/A N/A 384666 398519
M1 1BE 53.48258600 -2.23266900 1 1 384657 398455
M1 1BY 53.48192700 -2.23516900 62 112 384491 398382
M1 1BZ 53.48352100 -2.24570900 1 1 383792 398562
M1 1DB 53.48257600 -2.23304500 N/A N/A 384632 398454
M1 1DE 53.48281100 -2.23321500 1 1 384621 398480
M1 1DF 53.48335600 -2.23384800 N/A N/A 384579 398541
M1 1DN 53.48288000 -2.23392100 N/A N/A 384574 398488
M1 1DU 53.48218700 -2.23400800 N/A N/A 384568 398411
M1 1DW 53.48226000 -2.23390300 1 2 384575 398419
M1 1DZ 53.48217200 -2.23401000 N/A N/A 384568 398409
M1 1EA 53.48203400 -2.23418800 N/A N/A 384556 398394
M1 1EB 53.48358700 -2.23162200 N/A N/A 384727 398566
M1 1ED 53.48215500 -2.23222900 N/A N/A 384686 398407
M1 1EE 53.48264200 -2.23147900 N/A N/A 384736 398461
M1 1EH 53.48370000 -2.23261500 1 3 384661 398579
M1 1EJ 53.48416000 -2.23313200 4 7 384627 398630
M1 1EL 53.48218300 -2.23271400 16 31 384654 398410
M1 1EP 53.48301200 -2.23178400 48 83 384716 398502
M1 1ER 53.48301200 -2.23178400 50 99 384716 398502
M1 1ET 53.48246200 -2.23256500 N/A N/A 384664 398441
M1 1EU 53.48288700 -2.23113600 46 77 384759 398488
M1 1EW 53.48288700 -2.23113600 55 101 384759 398488
M1 1EX 53.48293100 -2.23193500 5 12 384706 398493
M1 1EY 53.48165100 -2.23363000 N/A N/A 384593 398351
M1 1EZ 53.48174800 -2.23464100 N/A N/A 384526 398362
M1 1FB 53.48216400 -2.23327200 N/A N/A 384617 398408
M1 1FJ 53.48388200 -2.23177200 N/A N/A 384717 398599
M1 1FL 53.48368200 -2.23253900 N/A N/A 384666 398577
M1 1FN 53.48311500 -2.23333500 1 1 384613 398514
M1 1FR 53.48214400 -2.23322400 N/A N/A 384620 398406
M1 1FT 53.48186500 -2.23323700 1 1 384619 398375
M1 1FY 53.48152200 -2.23400400 N/A N/A 384568 398337
M1 1FZ 53.48136100 -2.23388300 N/A N/A 384576 398319
M1 1HE 53.48126400 -2.23411100 17 27 384561 398308
M1 1HF 53.48107400 -2.23433600 N/A N/A 384546 398287
M1 1HL 53.48102900 -2.23441100 N/A N/A 384541 398282
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